Three Questions to Help You Walk Confidently Toward A New & Improved Future You (& Why It Matters)
Your Now Self should be reframing your past & shaping your future.
Reframing your past does not deny the past. Instead, reframing is the result of acknowledging pain, then seeking redemption from your past hurts.
In my experience, healthy emotional dumpster diving leads to morsels of gold.
A Quick, Practical Introduction to Your Three Selves
Each prompt has been excerpted from Personality Isn’t Permanent, by Benjamin Hardy.
1. The Weight of Your Past
I’ve listened to dozens of humans reveal dark secrets. It can be a painful experience. Several have asked for “before” photos and “after photos. The change is noticeable.
How do you know if your Now Self is a prisoner of Past Self?
QUESTION: How would your life be different if your past was something happening for you rather than to you?
2. The Power of the Now
Your Now Self has no control over what happens to you. You do, however, have complete control over how you respond, which leads you to your Future Self.
QUESTION: What would happen if you based your future identity on who you want to be rather than who you’ve been?
3. Shaping Your Future Identity
The Now Self steers you toward, or away from, the Future Self you choose. It’s entirely up to you. Entirely.
QUESTION: How could life change if you embraced the truth that your future and current selves are two fundamentally different people?
Who do the responses to the above questions say you are?
It will be an honor if you choose to DM me with how you answered your questions.
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